In Honor of Rabbi Bondi
In Honor of Our parents, Rav Chaim and Henny Walkin
In Honor of The Bondi Family
Parshas Toldos
Congratulations to the Goldbergs and kapensteins on this long overdue Sefer tora. It should be a source of Mazel and Hatzalacha to this incredible school led by its true and dedicated leader we are all lucky to call our friend and rabbi, Rabbi Goldberg. To my dear friend jim, you couldn't have chosen a better place to honor with the Sefer Tora. Love Dov and Vera Goldner and family
Parshas Vaera
in memory of Yitzchak Eizik ben Yehuda Leib z"l.
In Honor of Rabbi Shlomo and Robin Goldberg, from your friends and admirers in London
In Honor of The Kapensteins and Rabbi Eidlitz
Letter for Child
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg
In Honor of Our Children Daphna, Hila, Judah and Zahava
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg and all the teachers and children of Ohr Eliyahu and my own children.
In Honor of Yael Talya bat Rachel
In Memory of David Ben Moshe
In Honor of Zivug for Batsheva bat Rachel
In Honor of Our shadchan Jill & in honor of our children Yisrael Shalom & Chaya Shalva
In Memory of Perel bas Yechezkel and Chaim ben Moshe
In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs Bondi
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg and the wonderful YAYOE staff for all their tireless efforts on behalf of our children
In Honor of Zivug Ezra Ben Marcelle Dina
In Memory of Nechemia Matisyahu ben Tuvia Yakov
In Honor of Sima & Yosef Bondi
In Honor of our dear children. A letter for each child: Bracha, Nechama, Baruch Yehuda, Yosef Shalom, Elchonan, Chaya Sarah Amush.
In Honor of Our dear friends, Jim & Jill Kapenstein
In Honor of Our dear children Ayala, Aviva, and Ami Jacob. May you learn and thrive at YAYOE.
In Honor of Our Children
Blessing of moshe
להצלחה ברוחניות ובגשמיות ל: אלימלך בן ר אשר אנזעל עליזה רבקה בת ר שלמה אשר הלוי שושנה בלימא בת אלימלך חנה בריינא בת אלימלך פנחס יעקב בן אלימלך ומשפחתי, ולכל כלל ישראל. לע״נ ר יצחק בן אשר אנזיל חנה בריינא בת שמואל וואלף הכהן אריה לייב שלום בן ישראל פנחס אלימלך בן אשר ישעיה׳ הלוי בלומה רויזא בת אברהם שלמה יעקב בן אלטר אהרון פנחס אלימלך בן שלמה אשר הלוי רייזל בת אברהם חיים מרדכי צבי בן יצחק אלימלך ליאורה טובה בת רחמים
V'Zos HaBracha
In honor of Rabbi Bondi for his inspiration of our Chevra.
Ki Seitzei
In Honor of Our children Aliza Batya & Doniel Yosef, Gittel Shireet & Yerachmiel Refael Shaul Menachem, Talia Rina, Akiva Simcha Tzvi, Hillel Yosef
For The Recovery of For the Refuah Shelima of Dovid ben Leah. And in honor of our children and grandchildren.
In Memory of L\'ilui Nishmas Feige Leah bas Yosef
In Honor of Rabbi Yis and Shifi Pollock for being not only our family but our close friends!
The Ten Comandments
In Memory of Yitzchak Ben Mashallah HaCohen
The Ten Commandments
A Possuk
In honor of our parents גרשון בן חיים הלוי עמו״ש ברכה מרל בת יוסף עמו״ש and in memory of ברוך משה בן צבי ע״ה נחמה בת אליה דוד ע״ה With gratitude to Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg and the entire hanala, moros and rebbiem. Thank you for educating the next generation of יראי שמים.
Bracha for a speedy recovery
In honor of Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Eidlitz, the Rebbiem, Moros and Staff of YAYOE
An Amud and an Aliya
Segula for Marriage
In honor of the Kapensteins and my good friend Rabbi Goldberg
In Honor of Jim Kapenstein for all of his amazing avodas hakodesh
For The Recovery of Mordechai Tzvi Dov ben Faiga Leah Rechel and Chaim Nisan ben Faiga Leah Rechel
In Memory of My Dear Great Grandmother, Chana Bas Nachum A\"H
In Honor of Jim Kappenstein and his care and dedication for our community.
In Honor of our incredible parents - Dr. Larry & Marlene Marton and Harold & Claudia Shanbaum
For The Recovery of Segulah for the Refuah of Dan Ze\'ev ben Rus. And in appreciation to Rabbi Goldberg and Rabbi Eidlitz for all that they do
In Honor of Rabbi Eidlitz and Rabbi Bondi
In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Bondi for their tireless efforts for the Klal!
In Honor of In honor of Rabbi Eidlitz and the Kapenstein Family
Segula (Merit) for Health
In honor of Rabbi Goldberg & Rabbi Eidlitz for all of their love and kindness they have provided to our children and grandchildren and family
Bracha for Divine Security
Bracha for Siyata D'Shmaya
In Honor of and with tremendous gratitude for Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg, and all the YAYOE Rebbeim, teachers, and families. In Honor of My Children - May they live a life of Torah, Chesed, and Emunah. May they always be Yashar and never allow the fire within them to be extinguished.
Naso and Emor
The Portion of Shema
In honor of the staff and administration of Ohr Eliyahu! We are privileged to have our children in this amazing school B"H
In Honor of Rabbi Bondi and Rabbi Goldberg and their incredible work for the Klal!
In Honor of The Rebbiem and Moros of YAYOE. Thank you for all you do. May you see continued nachas from all your talmidim!
For The Recovery of Dovid ben Leah
In Honor of Shalom, health, clarity, divine guidance and intervention (for our entire family)
Emor, Naso
In Memory of Rachamim ben Moshe
For The Recovery of Yocheved bat Malka
Bracha for Complete Healing
For The Recovery of עטי׳ה מלכה אריאלה בת יוטא May ה׳ grant her and all of Cholai Yisroel a complete Refuah!
Bracha for Siyata D\'Shmaya
In Honor of All the amazing rabbis, reachers and people that make YAYOE so special
In Memory of R. Moshe Avigdor Shafran of blessed memory
In Honor of Rabbi Eidlitz Shlita from his Talmid Sh’muel Beyda
In Honor of My kids
In Memory of Reuven ben Yisroel HaLevy
In Memory of In appreciation of the education of our children and for their continued growth in learning..
For The Recovery of Yisroel Chaim ben Yehudis
In Honor of Our children and grandchildren
In Honor of Ayelet Meira, Hadassah Bracha, and Yoav Yitzhak
In Memory of Meir Chaim Ben Yekusiel and Freida Rikla bas Hrav Moshe Nosson
In Honor of In honor of Rabbi Goldberg
In Honor of Our daughter Sara Phillips Levy who benefited greatly from her education at Ohr Eliyahu Academy.
In Honor of Our dear children David Nissim and Yosef Chaim, may they always grow in Torah, Chessed and Maasim Tovim
In Honor of All YAYOE Rabbis, teachers , staff and students
In Honor of The world seeing the coming of mashiach speedily in our days
Bracha for security
Parshas Ki Savo
Tazria, Amud
In Memory of Bella Unger - Baila Chaya bas Pinchus Asher Zelig A”H
In Memory of Letter for a child
In Honor of Eyshi \'s family.
In Honor of With love for Yaakov and Shoshana Figen for a Happy Home; Bracha and Hatzlacha in all you do!
Letter, Letter for Child
Bracha for Longevity
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg and all the Rebbeim and Teachers at YAYOE who treat our children like their own.
Segula (Merit) for Good Children
In memory of Jim's father, Ira Kapenstein, Yisrael ben Yosef. And in honor of and with much hakoras hatov to Rabbi & Rebbetzin Goldberg and Rabbi & Rebbetzin Eidlitz for all they do for us and our family.
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg, the Kapensteins, and l\'ilui nishmas Nechemia Matisyahu Ben Tuvia Yaakov
The Obligation to Write a Sefer Torah
Emuna and Gratitude to Hashem
For The Recovery of Chana Bas Shaindel Hendel
In Honor of My Parents
In Memory of Dov Ber Ben Ephraim
In Honor of All the amazing rebeim and Morah’s. May the new Sefer Torah bring much Bracha to the whole school.
In Honor of Two amazing communal leaders and role models, Jim & Jill Kapenstein
For The Recovery of Guta bas Gittel
In Honor of Letters in honor of our grandchildren Meira Fraida & Shaul Binyamin Yedidya, Meir, Ruchama Kayla & Aryeh Leib
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov- YULA class of \'86
In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Goldberg & The Hanhala and staff of YAYOE
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg and the entire YAYOE Staff, and L’Ilui Nishmas Mrs. Suri Malek, Sarah bas Yisachar Dov
For The Recovery of For The Refuah Shelayma of Michoel Ben Elisheva
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov
In honor of Mrs. Chana Zeesie Berkowitz, 7th grade mechaneches
Chayei Sarah
In Honor of All of the YAYOE Administration, Rebbeim, Teachers and Staff
In Honor of Noa Atia
In Honor of Ichaki Family
In Honor of David and Moshe Hager
Amud, Passuk
In Honor of Rabbis & Staff of YAYOE
Segula (Merit) for Fine Children
In Honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Goldberg and all the Rebbeim and Teachers who show so much love and devotion to our children. Leilu Nishmas Baila Chaya bas Pinchus Asher Zelig, Nechemia Matisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov, Mordechai Tzvi Ben Yitzchak Elimelech, Leora Tova bas Rachamim All their neshamos should have an aliyah and be a malitz yosher for their families and all of Klal Yisroel
In Memory of In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu Schwarzmer Z\\\'L from the Class of \'86
Bracha for Long Life
For The Recovery of Yosef Ben Nosrat
In Memory of Baruch Dovid ben Daniel
In honor of Rabbi & Mrs. Goldberg and all the spectacular YAYOE Rebbeim and Mechanchos who have led by example and instilled a love of Torah & Mitzvos and Ahavas Yisroelin our children. Also in loving memory of Rav Asher ben Meir zt"l who worked tirelessly to instill a love of Torah, Mitzvos and Ahavas Yisroelin the hearts of everyone he met.
Barcha to avoid Illness
In honor of our children. May Hashem protect them and guide them in all that they do.
Parshas Vayigash
In Memory of the Grandparents of Marc and Beth Firestone. John and Mary Show, Yakov and Esther Blum, Moshe and Betty Firestone, and Moshe and B
Parshas Reeh
In Memory of Hanoch ben Shlomo
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu Schwarzmer Z\'L (YULA Class of 86)
In Honor of In appreciation of Rabbi Bondi and Rabbi Goldberg and all they do for the LA Torah Community
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu Schwarzmer Z\\\'L from the Class of \'86
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu Schwarzmer Z\\\'L (YULA Class of 86)
In Memory of the Grandparents of Marc and Beth Firestone. John and Mary Show, Yakov and Esther Blum, Moshe and Betty Firestone, and Moshe and Bayla Greenblatt A"H
Bracha to Avoid Illness
Towards an amud (613) and an aliyah (360) and letter for a child (18) In honor of Avrumi Rosenberg and his incredible teachers who instill in him the love of Torah, wonderful middos and the joy of learning.
Special Merit For Divine Blessing
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Malka Schwarzmer and all of the wonderful Rebbeim and teachers at YAYOE. May Hashem grant you continued strength to teach and inspire the children of YAYOE, and may you be blessed to see the fruits of your labor for years to come.
In Honor of Yonah, Ben, Joy, and Sol Graff
In Memory of Chaim Laibel Ben Shlomo haLevi z”l (Mr. Louis Shapiro)
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg and all the Rebbeim and Teachers who show love, care, and support to our children. And Lzecher Nishmas Nechemia Matisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov
In Memory of Nechemia Mattisyahu Schwarzmer Z\'L
In Honor of Refuah, Parnassah, Emunah and Menuchas Nefesh for all those in need
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg and the dedicated Rebbeim and moros at YAYOE.
In Honor of Tamar and Noam Abraham
In Honor of of kapenstein family
In Honor of our children
In Honor of In honor of all of the loving and caring staff and teachers at YAYOE who take care of our children and instill in them a love of Yiddishkeit.
In honor of Avrumi Rosenberg and his incredible teachers who instill in him the love of Torah, wonderful middos and the joy of learning.
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg, the Rabbeim, and the entire extended YAYOE family for ther ceaseless care, support, and love.
Acharei Mos
L'zecher Nishmas Reb Moshe David ben Harav Yerucham
Bracha for Easy Parnasa
In honor of Jim & Jill Kapenstein
In honor of Mr and Mrs. Jim Kapenstein, my special friends, whose Ahavas Yisroel is shown through their devotion to helping every person they know.
"נחמו, נחמו עמי" לעילו נשמת נחמי'ה מתתי'הו בן טובי'ה יעקב
In Memory of Basya Golda bas Binyamin
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Bondi
Bracha for Financial Success
In Memory of In Memory of Baba Meir Abechtzera for Paransa Tova To all Am Israel
In Honor of Chana Rosen
In Memory of Simcha bas HaRav Machluf and Masha bas Shmuel
For The Recovery of /Refua Shelayma for Eliezer Michael Ben Breindel
For The Recovery of Refuah For Shimon Ben Penina Esther
In Honor of The Rebbiem at YAYOE
Tefilas Miriam
In Honor of our parents, Allan and Judy Black We wish them long years of health and nachas from their children and grandchildren!
Vayehi Binsoa
In honor of Rabbi Goldberg and the Hanhallah for the chinuch and devotion that they showed our children.
Dedicated to Rabbi and Mrs. Tuvia Schwarzmer - L'zecher Nishmas Nechemia Matisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov
In Honor of A letter for each of our children and a Passuk in memory of Nechamia Matisyahu Ben Tuvia Yaacov
For The Recovery of Uber shel Loren Hadar bas Devorah Leeba
For The Recovery of uber shel loren hadar bas devorah leeba
In Honor of Morah Shayna Goldmann.
In Memory of Irving Segal \'Yisroel Yerachmiel Ben Yosef Chaim\'
In Memory of In Memory of Shmuel Yaakov Ben Reb Avraham and Genendel bas Yaakov
For The Recovery of Refua Shleima for Emile Refael Ben Esther Golda
Lech Lecha
In Memory of Sylvia Segal ‘Sarah Chana bat Bella’
In Memory of Nechemia Matisyahu Ben Tuvia Yaakov, z”l
In Honor of The hanhala, Rebbis, teachers and talmidim of our Yeshiva family
Parshas Ha’Maan
In Honor of In memory of Yosef ben Yaakov
In Memory of Nechemia Matisyahu ben Tuvia Yaakov (Schwarzmer)
In Honor of In honor of Rabbi Bondi. May you have continued Hatzlacha in your Avodas Hakodesh.
In Memory of Chava bat Dov
Az Yashir – Song at the Sea
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Goldberg who taught me more about education than I learned in all my formal schooling.
For The Recovery of Mordechai Nissan Ben Raizel
In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg, and the most dedicated and talented administration, Rebbeim & Moros. We appreciate all of what you do for our community.
In Honor of Rabbi Bondi, a wonderful (and patient) Magid Shiur
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs Goldberg and the YAYOE community
For The Recovery of Kol Cholei Yisroel
In Honor of Extended family Jim and Jill Kapenstein
In Honor of Rabbi and Rebbitzen Yosef Bondi
In Honor of Rabbi Yosef Bondi
Parshas Shelach
In honor of our children, Yosef and Sima Bondi, שיחיו
In Honor of All the wonderful women who complete Sefer tehillim every day at the Tehillim Vinkel.
In Memory of Ilui neshama Shlomo ben Shalom.
In Honor of Rabbi Pollock
In Honor of Our Children who, inspired by the wonderful Rebbeim and teachers at YAYOE, are continuously growing in their limud haTorah and Avodas Hashem.
In Honor of our wonderful children, may they be healthy and continue in the path of Torah and be a source of nachat.
For The Recovery of Dan Ze\'ev ben Rut
For The Recovery of Sara Gavriella bas Chaya
In Honor of my grandchildren Akiva & Riva Berkowitz
In Memory of Sandy and Ronnie Smith
In Memory of My father Aharon ben Hakham David.
In Memory of Ilui Neshama Hertzel Ben Eliezer
In Memory of Zelig ben Elisha Aaron
In Honor of the YAYOE rebbeim and mechanchos, who work so hard to nurture, teach and help raise our children.
In Honor of Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg and his big heart
For The Recovery of l\'refua sheleima Yoel ben Sheva Rivka and Chaim Shaul ben Pessel
The Blessings of Cohanim
In Honor of Our children, May Hashem continue to watch over them.
In Honor of Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg and the YAYOE Family and a refuah shlaymah for Leah Chana bas Sorahleah
For The Recovery of Yoel Zvi ben Rivkah
In Honor of Our wonderful children, Ezra, Dovi, Orly and Aviva. May the learning you receive at Yeshiva Ohr Eliyahu lead to devotion to Hashem, to Torah, and to klal yisrael.
In Memory of Evan ben Shmuel Scholl who continues to compose in Shamayim.
In Memory of In Loving Memory of our dear Mother & Grandmother Sarah bas Binyomin and in honor of or children Binyamin & Elianna Sarto & Yosef & Shira, Jaime & Eliana Odinsky and Yaakov
In Memory of Louis & Shirley Dolin
In Memory of Yehudis bas Mayer Mottel
In Memory of Yehudis bas Meir Mottel
Segula Merit For A Happy Home/Marriage
In Honor of The Lubavitcher Rebbe
First Passuk of the Torah
For The Recovery of Refuah HaNEFESH & Refuah HaGUF FOR Klal Yisrael and especially the YAYOE Family members who are in need of refuah shlemah b\'karov. The Fain, Babayev, Kimyagarov, Silverstein, Greenstein, & Kohane
For The Recovery of Alexia Hannah bat Karen,, Shimon Meir Israel ben Esther and Shlomo ben Esther
For The Recovery of Refua sheleimah Raphael Avrohom Meir ben Zelda Baila
In Honor of In Honor of Rabbi Goldberg, Rabbi Eidlitz, The Kapensteins and the entire Ohr Eliyahu and Camp Yedid Family!
In Honor of Rabbi Solomon Goldberg
In Honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Bondi and family - you guys are the best!
For The Recovery of A refuah shlaima for Refael Avraham Meyer ben Zelda Baila
In Honor of The tireless efforts of the YAYOE leadership and faculty
In Memory of Saul and Ida Weiskopf
In Memory of Bernard and Shirley Valasky
In Honor of The amazing Rebbes, Moras, Teachers and Admin at YAYOE
Aron Kodesh with Paroches
13 Attributes of Mercy
In Honor of Mr. and Mrs Jim Kapenstein and Family
Last Passuk of the Torah
For The Recovery of Eliezer Shmuel Ben Chana Yita
In Honor of Rabbi Eidlitz
In Honor of Ariel Remer
In Honor of Itta and Meir Graff